2011 is over, what’s next?

I am not a big fan of those ‘Happy New Year’ stuff and to be honest it bothers me. But let’s see if last year was happy and what happened here. Time for another bilan like the one I did last year.

Looking back...

Looking back...

I did lot of things last year and to be honest I am quite tired right now, but who is not? Here are several new 2011 things:

  • The Montpellier Java User Group has been launched. We did 4 sessions mostly around Google technologies: GAE, GWT and Android. We also talked about Maven and did a session on user experience. Even if I do not have enough time to allocate to the JUG, I met really nice techies who also code during nights like me.
  • Some resolutions are usually to lose weight, do sport, etc. Not for me. I already do enough sport so I chose to learn something new each year. I am a Java developer since more than 8 years and I wanted to do something new in 2011. So I started to develop Cocoa stuff during nights and finally I released QuickHubApp, an OS X menulet (and more) to ease the GitHub user life.
    But Java is still here and I managed to develop things using the Play! framework. According to the wordpress.com statistics, this is a topic which always drive hundreds of readers per article to my blog.
  • On the professional point of view, I now work full time on the FP7-Play research project. The goal is to create an event marketplace using many high level technologies and bringing the Petals Distributed Service Bus to the event level. Finally there is no real Cloud stuff inside, which is really sad for me.
  • I still believe that Open source is really important for all the Petals products and so I gave another talk at the OW2 annual conference about SOA, Cloud and BPM.
  • I also (twitter) met some cool guys, you should follow @k33g_org. Philippe we will probably not meet this year in Lyon, but maybe you should come to Montpellier and give a talk at the JUG?

So what are this year resolutions and coming things? There are many:

  • Learn more new things. I think that this year will be a Ruby or a Scala one (or both).
  • We have some new things to release at the JUG level: What do you think about some mobiles apps and a better and richer web site?
  • QuickHubApp will continue to grow. I have so many ideas for it!
  • I also have new OS X app under development, more details soon.
  • This item is confidential for now, it will probably be announced within the next weeks but it will cause a real big change!

All of this previous topics will be driven by non technical nor professional constraints. This year will be the year I buy a house and we also move from three to four. ‘Pink’ Release is planned for May:

To be released in May 2012

To be released in May 2012


JUG Montpellier

En changeant de région pour passer dans un mode télétravail sans n’avoir eu aucun passé professionnel dans la nouvelle région, je me suis vite demandé comment j’allais pouvoir me faire connaitre professionnellement parlant.
Une des solutions est de participer à des réunions mais participer passivement n’est pas forcément quelque chose de bien motivant pour se faire connaitre… La grande mode actuelle est de rassembler une cinquantaine de geeks et d’acteurs locaux pour discuter Java et autres technologies s’y rapprochant : Les JUG, Java User Group. Aujourd’hui je me retrouve membre actif de la création d’un JUG Montpelliérain.

La premiere réunion de travail de la semaine dernière est plutôt prometteuse : montage de l’association, création du bureau, discussion de la première session qui aura certainement lieu en janvier 2011 dans une grande salle du centre ville. Bref de bonnes rencontres, de bonnes choses a venir, et j’aurais l’occasion d’y revenir assez rapidement.